Since we are a premium non-adult modeling agency, our models rely solely on conversation for enticing their members and keeping them engaged for as long as possible. However, as you might have already noticed if you are a model with us, sometimes conversations can get a little boring or drag on, without any substance or ending point. Sometimes it can even be hard to know where to start from and you will ultimately end up talking about boring topics such as the weather.
This is why, in this blog post, we decided to introduce you to the concept of Big Talk. Big talk, as opposed to small talk, deals with more profound feelings and experiences, as well as more elevated subjects of discussion. By introducing your members to big talk, they will feel more connected with you and will want to spend more time talking to you. After all, this means more money for you, but also more
self confidence and help offered to them.
Contrary to what you may think, Big Talk is not about quantum physics, Renaissance painters, brain surgery or Buddhist beliefs. So, it's not about difficult subjects, which require a lot of general or even specific knowledge. By contrast, it's about searching for answers inside yourself and sharing maybe the most intimate feelings or your deepest fears. By asking one of the questions below and answering in turn, you help members talk more easily about themselves, but you will also reveal a lot about yourself.
Here are 30 big talk questions, structured on six different topics, depending on what problem they address:
Let Go
Where have you found peace?
What do you want to let go of?
What do you spend too much time doing?
What would you do if you were not afraid?
What did you learn from your biggest regret?
Be Me
What is something new you tried recently and loved?
What makes you lose track of time?
What moves you to tears or gives you goosebumps?
What is a defining moment in your life and how did it impact you?
What is most important to you?
What was your childhood dream?
What is your perfect day?
What do you dream of achieving one day?
If money was not an issue, how would you spend your time?
What question would you ask a fortune teller?
What challenge do you want to overcome?
What does success look like to you?
What risk are you happy that you took?
What can you do that you could not do a year ago?
What are you working towards that you could use help with?
What is one of the kindest things someone has ever done for you?
How do you show love to others?
How do you show love to yourself?
What are you passionate about and want to spend more time doing?
What random act of kindness could you perform right now?
What does this world need more of?
Who are your heroes?
What have you witnessed that has strengthened your faith in humanity?
If you could run your own country, what would it be like?
How are you making a difference in this world?