When we think about any color, be it red, blue, yellow, or green, we think of it in terms of shades: bright, dark, neon, and so on. We imagine that this classification is possible for any hue except black and white. After all, black is the darkest, white is the brightest, and they are both non-colors. However, when you see someone with dental veneers so white that they almost blind you, you realize there is such thing as "the whitest white". In this article, we will show you why to avoid it.
A cam girl by the name of Krysta asked, on a private forum
dedicated to the online modeling industry, if she should opt for the whitest dental veneers possible.
"Hi, girls! I want to change my look and put on the whitest dental veneers I can find. I want to blind my members when I smile, hahaha. Can you recommend a dentist that will not cost me a fortune?", she opened the thread. However, instead of recommending her a certain clinic, the rest of the girls, as well as other employees in the industry, advised her against her idea.
"Hello! I am a professional photographer and, from the experience of the models I shoot, I can tell you only one thing: don't opt for the whitest veneers! They are hard to maintain and they stain very easily. It's better to go for something that looks good, but not like ceramic tiles, so to speak. On the whitest white, every detail is visible", an artist named Bob answered.
"Yes, I know what you are saying. But this has been my obsession since I was a child and I saw all the stars with that impeccable white smile", Krysta replied.
Bob's advice is incredibly accurate, even if, at first, it might seem counterintuitive. If teeth are meant to be white, and you invest a significant amount of money in this intervention, then why not go for the brightest shade possible? The answer lies in the photos and videos with other people who made the same mistake, whether we are talking about webcam models or TV stars. The whitest possible dental veneers simply don't look natural! They simply look like a filter or an artificial add-on and it becomes clear that person's teeth underwent a serious transformation.
On the other hand, a bright and natural smile is obtained by whitening your teeth or, if you opt for veneers, choosing a shade closer to the original look. Furthermore, as we all know, girls like to tan, and, by comparison with a darker skin tone, the whitest teeth will look even more unnatural. Therefore, instead of flabbergasting with your big and shiny teeth, why not amaze your members with the most natural smile of them all? After all, a beautiful smile should only be a bonus, not a purpose in itself. In conclusion, our advice would be to opt for veneers only if your teeth are damaged, and otherwise go for regular whitening!