"Hi, girls, my name is Joanne and this is the story that changed my life. Two years ago, I was a housewife, with a 2-year-old baby boy and a husband with whom I was married for 9 years. He's a carpenter and, even though we sometimes struggled with money, I must say we had a happy and quite carefree life. However, one day, he had a terrible accident at work. I won't go into details, because they are quite explicit, but the result was that he was incapacitated to work for at least 6 months. During the first two months or so, we all stayed at home, and I took care of both my husband and my child. However, bills started to pile up, so I knew I had to do something.
We are quite simple people, so my husband couldn't work anything else while he was recovering from his injury, while I couldn't earn as much as he did doing any job. Therefore, I decided to become a non-adult cam girl. When I told him, his reaction surprised me: he was silent for a few seconds, then he told me, in a very calm voice, that he trusts me completely and I should do anything it takes, as long as I don't have to take my clothes off. The girls at Studio 20 were very supportive and, somewhat to my shame, I have to admit that, in my first month in the studio, I made more than my husband in an ordinary month.
Around 5 months later, when he fully recovered and went back to work, I expected him to ask me to quit and get back to raising our child as a full-time job. However, he surprised me again with his wisdom and love when he said that it's OK for me to continue as a non-adult webcam model, especially since our boy started kindergarten and I had more time. The result was that we tripled our family income, compared to the period before he had the accident. It could've been disastrous, but it ended up incredibly well for me and my family - now we can even afford one or two exotic vacations per year, and we are happier than ever".

What do you think about Joanne's story? Did you expect all these twists and turns, and a happy ending? Leave a comment below!