Even if you don't generally follow the news, you have to be up to date with the most important events or topics of today. This will help you integrate better in your workplace and not strike a discordant note. By reading this article, you will find out exactly how to do that, with little to no effort whatsoever from your side. Before we start enumerating the things you have to do, we must mention that being socially acceptable usually means NOT doing different things that would bother the others, rather than doing something specific.
1. Wear a mask. In this case, we are not talking about the type of mask that would entice your members. As you already know,
due to the Coronavirus pandemic, wearing a mask inside closed spaces, such as buildings, supermarkets, banks, and pharmacies is mandatory. Therefore, when you enter the cam studio, you have to have your mask on, whether you like it or not. Of course, when you start work itself, and by that we mean the private sessions with your members, you will take it off. But, on the hallways and in the common spaces, such as the kitchen, reception and so on, you have to have it on. If you don't, your colleagues will treat you with skeptical looks and will tend to keep the distance from you.
2. Don't be racist. Racism has been one of the biggest social issues for a very long time, and from time to time it tends to come back in the public eye due to some unfortunate events. Today, protests against racism are still on in the United States, after the events related to George Floyd earlier this year. Therefore, it's certainly one of the worst times in history to be anything else than open-minded and 100% against racism. Regardless of your beliefs and past experiences, when somebody asks you how you feel about the protests against racism, you should say that you fully support them, even if you are not completely updated. Of course, one thing you should not support is the violence associated with some of these escalating protests.
3. Don't be extremist. Racism is just one side of the story, but being an extremist in anything is usually wrong. Therefore, don't express very sharp political, religious, or feminist views. This will make you look narrow-minded, as well as indoctrinated. The best thing to do is to listen actively to other opinions, give everybody the chance to express themselves, and be polite when you reply. Even if you don't change your mind, you don't have to make it that obvious.
4. Be polite. First of all, being polite implies greeting everybody you meet, be it the manager, a colleague, or the cleaning lady. Secondly, it involves not touching certain topics that could be sensitive. For example, don't be the one mentioning politics, religion, or any remarks regarding health or appearance, you don't know who could feel offended or who you could upset. In conclusion, just #bekind.